Graduate School of Sustainability Science, Tottori University

IntroductionPhilosophy and Objectives of the Graduate School of Sustainability Science

Our country is required to shift in a continuous manner to an unprecedented society, such as a low carbon society, a recycling-based society, a population decreasing and aging society, globalization, and a multicultural symbiotic society, while maintaining the current safe and secure society. In the shift to the brand new type of society, we need to deal with various issues not only through conventional methods, but also through innovative problem-solving techniques, including new ideas and a broad perspective.

The University Charter stipulates as follows: "the University is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities to society while giving due consideration to people under stringent conditions. With the "fusion of knowledge and practice" as a guiding principle, the University shall address global and regional issues." Under the University Charter, Tottori University as "a university rooted in the local community" has contributed to the local community by resolving regional issues and has conducted activities to share its accumulated regional achievements with the world.

Under the education and research that leverage the strengths and characteristics of the University and that embody the "fusion of knowledge and practice" to realize a sustainable society, the Graduate School of Sustainability Science aims to develop human resources who can lead the efforts to create a sustainable society based on a deep understanding of global and regional issues and their expertise.
To this end, the Graduate School of Sustainability Science has established an interdisciplinary education system suited to the development of people with a comprehensive, interdisciplinary thinking ability, which is required to create a sustainable society. At the same time, the Graduate School offers four majors of Regional Creation, Engineering, Agriculture, and International Arid Land Science to deepen students’ expertise in their specialized fields.

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